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сравните варианты описания по-английски второстепенных действий с помощью причастий и придаточных предложений:
1. He went out and he was seen walking in the park. => Он вышел из дома, и видно было, как он бродит по парку. => Не went out, and they saw that he was walking in the park.
2. I noticed her smoking in the garden. => Я заметил, как она курила в саду. => I noticed that she was smoking in the garden.
3. They sat down on a fallen tree. => Они присели на поваленное дерево. =>They sat down on a tree, which had fallen.
4. She loved all these singing boys and girls. => Она любила всех этих поющих мальчиков и девочек. => She loved all these boys and girls who were singing.
5. Shocked by her beauty, I couldn't sleep that night. => В ту ночь я не мог уснуть, потрясенный ее красотой. => I couldn't sleep that night, because her beauty was a shock for me. = I couldn't sleep that night, because I was shocked by her beauty.
6. Reading this newspaper you will be laughing. => Читая эту газету, ты будешь смеяться. =>You will be laughing when you are reading this newspaper.
7. Having smoked one more cigar, I decided to leave. => Выкурив еще одну сигару, я решил уходить. => After I had smoked one more cigar I decided to leave.
8. Having been asked a lot of questions, she was shown to the doctor. => Ей задали много вопросов, а потом показали врачу. => After she had been asked a lot of questions they showed her to the doctor.
9. He is a man loved by everyone. => Он такой человек, что его все любят. => Не is such a man that everyone loves him. = He is a man who is loved by everyone.
10. Though being written in pencil, the letter is easy to make out. => Хотя письмо и написано карандашом, его легко разобрать. =>The letter is easy to make out though it is written in pencil.
11.1 saw my wife coming out of the house. => Я увидел свою жену, выходящую из дома. => I saw my wife who was coming out of the house.
Причастие (Participle)
Объектный причастный оборот
Субъектный причастный оборот
Независимый причастный оборот